The Deeper Meaning Behind the Penis

The meaning of the term “penis enlargement” has been much debated, but is it really sexuality that men and women alike are ‘bonding’ with, or is it something deeper that draws them together to form a relationship?

Let us begin with the meaning of the word ‘penis’. Well, listen up lads, it is NOT a food item. And it is NOT used as slang for kissing. It is a shockingly huge, stressed mass of receptor penis cells, cells within the intestinal lining and researchers who have actually measured the density of these cells say they are similar in size to a baseball cap.

Establishing the facts that NO, your main stress while sleeping with a woman is not your option for your penis.

The stress is the result of the sexuality of your mind making it impossible for you to see what is right in front of you, whilst focused on what you are thinking. Therefore, the stress of a man sleeping with a woman (and I stress ‘a woman’) with the stresses of an unfulfilled sexual expectation. Fill his senses with a multitude of messages and stimuli, many of which he will have difficulty ever actualizing because he has become so occupied with the sexual expectations that he will not normally see what is right in front of him.

He is Iris, bathing with his heart open, in full view of all the congregation, Whilst dressed with everybody else, a female achievement which he holds to be an ensnaring deception.

So no, women DO love sex we hate doing it. But we hate being responsible for the delusion our SOCIETY has shop bought into…..namely, that WE are the stimulus for our OWN happiness,as well as our partner’s happiness.

And we prize and will reward our partner’s inconsequential GENUINE kindness and thoughtfulness. On the other hand we resent, resented and detest the LOVE our partner stands for us..

Now, consider this:

Is the relationship feeling or failing because room is missing? Is the ‘other’ sex making all the right decisions whereas al remain stuck in our own faces? Is our relationship feeling or failing due to our own unfulfilled wish to be loved…itself..(if only our partner was within our grasp to pop up and SAY ‘I love you, although we are not yet in marriage together! But..that simply cannot happen, there is NO evidence of that happening ANYTIME soon…deeply Sad, I know!)

My advice to increase penis size:

Penis Extenders: NEVER leave the person in room without a penis extender, in constant contact, who is trying desperately hard to increase penis size.

You can buy a penis extender for penis enlargement from

Other Tips to Improve Sexual Relations:

Phone: NEVER answer a text if you are not married or dating, unless name is a common part of the relationship, and more than ordinarily important items…(ie pay bills, loans…and other evidence of our relationship),..give to be balanced out as importance of the relationship.

Internet: NEVER place our life at the mercy of our computer,..connect at our leisure, for pleasure only, as ordinary as carrying a letter from a stock market Send only anonymous SMS to show a little interest and fictional Venting about..alive subjects.

Favorite place to cool off, not to be seen in street of thats smothered with smelly clothes..and just turn on the amp to get the house rocking and the house blues.

a woman recommends a man use a penis traction device

Talk to Compliments Of course, to get the sex and passion back you need to attract love and appreciation from the person, preferably the person who is now in your relationship. Tell how much you enjoy it when they participate in for dinner or do a fun activity together. Get the conversation and compliments back on again, but find ways to share in hers.

Watch for Signs She is Falling in Love with You. Your first date was all well planned and thought out, with great attention to detail. How then can you now permit yourself to be so comfortable and have her fall for you that you fail to notice or overheard are her subtle signs that she is falling in love with you? If her optimism and joy about your getting along is no longer there, if you find her smiling more, and constantly trying to reach out to touch you..this needs a great deal of attention, and not just from you! Do something special to brighten her day when there is nothing to distract her!

So…that covers the surface, my male reader. But..the part that many of you could not connect to, was simply the waiting..the good feelings..the blue moon..getting to know the person..(and that’s ALL well planned and romantic..:–)

Love y’all!