How To Always Keep Your Wardrobe On Point

Every so often, some ladies have a dilemma on hand – their wardrobe becomes outdated and they want to return it to it’s former glory. This can certainly seem like quite the dilemma for those who aren’t use to keeping their wardrobe constantly “on point”. But luckily Betty is here to steer you on the right path towards making sure that your closet is always well-stocked and ready to go.

In this article, we are going to discuss how to prevent your closet from becoming a total disaster. And it all starts with being human. We must allow our selves to have a sense of comfort. No matter how fabulous the clothes are or how good-looking they are, if they are not comfortable, they are not worth it!

The best way to prevent wardrobe from going bad is to purchase and always have on hand truly classic and timeless clothing pieces. Purchase contemporary apparel, and opt for versatile pieces. Stay away from trendy items. A variation on trend items can be used during the year. Again, classic and versatile items are the way to go.

As for the cleaning process, it depends on where to do the cleaning. If your home is in bad shape, simply talk to the locals like at strip clubs, bars, parties, or concerts, they usually can provide a good place to get your clothes cleaned if necessary.

When all the dirt is swept away, make sure it is neatly folded or hung on hangers. Great basics to begin your closet from start to finish are: dark and plain colors, one-button suits, a little black dress, and a pencil or black mini skirt. All of these you can easily mix and match to create different outfits.

A dress is also a great piece to purchase. All you need to have in your closet is a little black tape measure, a clear nail file, and maybe a pair of black or brown dress shoes to help complete your look. Dress is such a basic, often overlooked garment. Yet, it does not have to be boring. Why not purchase a colourful dress and wear a bold bracelet or necklace? A simple outfit can be made fantastic with the right accessories.

It is essential to have a few pieces of clothing in your closet that you can wear in any situation and this is one of the most powerful and overlooked pieces. Simple things can make the difference between an everyday look and a day to day outfit. Be economical and splurge on these types of items. No one needs countless pairs of shoes, and cluttered closets are not a great look, not to mention that can adversely affect your life in other ways. By having and relying on just a few staples, you can put together any look you might need, from casual to business casual, or even evening wear.

In the business world, dressing for business casual is a must. Many offices have adopted a “casual Friday” dress code. For the most part, businesses believe in the concept of casual Friday just like everyday Friday. Business casual means slightly less professional, but it should still be held to a high standard of professionalism. One of the most powerful ways to imbibe casual Friday into a company is by having meetings after employees get off the job. Frequent meetings take the fun out of having to give a presentation or a great lesson on a company or product. By simply presenting yourself and saying ” I am comfortable and ready to help you,” you take the pressure off of the company saying they have to do right by you. It is a great way to show your colleagues that you mean business.

Believe it or not, you can go on mostly in comfortable clothes if you know where to look and the shades you should be wearing are appropriate for the current situation. Have you ever noticed sales people, when slightly dressed up, walking into a store and instantly taking the genetic information of every patron, and thenthey sell that person’s products? Well that is how easy it is to buy nay products when you are “accidentally” wearing a more expensive piece.

Timberland boots on casual Fridays would be great for this. They are very comfortable and stylish. And what more could you ask for besides comfort? If you are allowed to wear sneakers to work, stay with them. Ditch that heavy leather shoes and grab a pair of stylish sneakers or even clogs! Women can still have that trendy look by pairing them with a classic cardigan or even a striped tee and a pair of low slung jeans. Does it sound appealing? It should because it is always appealing! Why? Because clothes are made to be worn and one should not bend the rules, nor, for that matter, shall anyone get a disease by wearing what is not compatible with the environment. It is simple, something is elegant on the outside; but, if you don’t feel comfortable with what you are wearing, you would only hinder your self in the outside world.

Having an awesome wardrobe is contingent on you having a wide range of outfits for a wide variety of different situations. As great as it is to have flashy clothes for your nights out, make sure your everyday clothes are rocking as well. That is the true secret to keeping your wardrobe on point.